Unlock Business Success with 3 Principles Time-Tested over Thousands of Years
Yuval Noah Harari's "Sapiens" is a deep anthropological examination of the history of our species. But the evolution of human progress and its recurring themes can also teach profound lessons for business success. Here are three of them:
1. The Cognitive Revolution: Build Collective Dreams
The development of collective imagination was the turning point for Homo sapiens, allowing us to create and believe in abstract concepts, stories, and myths. From art and culture to shared values and laws, from personal ownership to the idea of money, the power of fiction allowed for the creation of large-scale human societies.
Business success demands this kind of vision. Your strategies and plans must build realities in the minds of clients and collaborators before they tangibly exist.
2. The Agricultural Revolution: Adapt and Transform
The shift from a foraging lifestyle to an agricultural one was a pivotal moment in our history that disrupted our way of life and transformed the planet. From nomadic hunter-gatherers, we evolved into settled farmers, leading to the birth of civilization as we know it. This change was a testament to our ability to adapt and innovate.
Companies must also continually adapt their strategies, business models, and operations to stay relevant. Innovation isn’t just a buzzword but a survival imperative.
3. The Scientific Revolution: Be Curious, Question, Learn
Our insatiable curiosity, combined with the systematic observation and study of the natural world, has led to unprecedented technological and societal progress over the last few centuries. But this also required the willingness to admit ignorance and question existing knowledge, no matter how traditional.
Stay curious in business. Keep learning, keep asking questions, keep challenging the status quo. Winning companies are those that are willing to experiment and fail, but keep learning and improving through their own and others' failures.
Business is complex, but some things never change - whether in our markets or our species' history. Keep these insights in your playbook - they have worked quite well for Homo Sapiens for thousands of years!