Truth is our North Star. Though we may never grasp its entirety, the pursuit defines our humanity.
I. Truth is Real
Truth exists—unchanging, unwavering, and absolute. It is not subject to opinion or convenience; it stands apart, defying our biases and illusions. We do not create truth; we discover it, piece by imperfect piece.
Veritism begins with a bold declaration: The world has an order, even if we can never fully comprehend it. To seek truth is to honor this order.
II. Truth is Unreachable, but Not Beyond Reach
The vastness of truth humbles us. No single mind, system of thought, or collection of data can ever contain it. And yet, we move closer—step by step, question by question, failure by failure.
To pursue truth is to embrace the paradox: What is real cannot be fully known, but each revelation sharpens our understanding.
We are not defeated by its elusiveness. Instead, we are animated by its infinite horizon.
III. The Pursuit of Truth is the Highest Virtue
The journey toward truth is the noblest human endeavor. It demands courage to question what we hold dear, perseverance to explore what is unknown, and integrity to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.
Veritists do not seek comfort or validation. We seek clarity. To serve truth is to rise above tribalism, ideology, and self-interest. It is to live with purpose and honor.
IV. Intellectual Humility is Our Bedrock
Certainty is a trap. Arrogance is a thief. The first step toward truth is admitting how little we know.
Veritists wear our humility like armor:
We embrace questions over answers.
We celebrate doubts as tools, not as weaknesses.
We respect the beliefs of others, even as we challenge them.
In humility, we find strength. In acknowledging our fallibility, we grow closer to the truth.
V. Progress is Collaborative, Never Solitary
Truth is not hoarded; it is shared. It thrives in dialogue and crumbles in isolation.
Veritism calls for honest, open discourse—where disagreement is not a threat but an opportunity. It's a collaborative effort, and everybody's voice is an integral part of it.
The pursuit of truth requires the courage to listen, the generosity to teach, and the integrity to change minds when the evidence demands it.
VI. Fallibility is a Gift, Not a Curse
To err is not to fail. Every mistake is a torch illuminating the darkness of our ignorance. Veritists do not fear being wrong; we fear refusing to learn.
Each misstep is an invitation to correct course, refine understanding, and strive onward. Fallibility is not a limitation—it is the very engine of progress.
VII. The Unending Journey Defines Us
We do not measure ourselves by the truth we possess but by the honesty with which we seek it. The path to truth has no end, but we become more than we were in the walking.
Veritism is a practical philosophy, a way of life, a relentless striving not to conquer truth but to approach it with reverence, curiosity, and courage. It's a commitment, a dedication, and a belief in the power of truth.
Our Creed
We affirm that truth is real.
We embrace that truth is elusive but worthy of pursuit.
We commit to humility, perseverance, and courage in our search.
We celebrate fallibility as a tool for growth.
We reject certainty, arrogance, and stagnation.
In the face of uncertainty, we press on. In the shadow of ignorance, we light the flame of inquiry.
We are Veritists, and we believe there is no higher calling than the endless pursuit of truth.
Again very nice - could write my signature under it and at the same time discuss and question some of the assumptions and statements.
Beginning with the contradiction that truth absolutely exists and at the same time "We respect the truths of others". Either we have to define truth/truths or respect in more specific wording. Hard to escape Wittgenstein's prison of language.