How long will this take?

“We can accomplish nothing until we act. Be Stubborn. Once we commit to action, the worst thing we can do is to stop.” Steven Pressfield (2011). Do the Work.
As I prepared to start working today, I read an article by Tim Denning: 99% of Writers Will Give Up Writing Before 5 Years Is Up. Which reminded of Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work, particularly the quote above.
And this gets to the heart of it, right? This can take long, and that’s all right. At the start you can only look at the road ahead, and every step seems like amazing progress — 10 steps! Now 11 steps! That’s a 10% improvement! But after a while each step will represent less and less — 1,000 and now 1,001 steps, that’s just a 0.1% improvement…
But we need to be stubborn. “Keep walking”, such a cliché, and yet there’s a reason why clichés ring true. So let’s start, and let’s keep going.
“A few things you need to achieve exceptional results:
Quantity: You take lots of shots.
Quality: You take thoughtful shots.
Consistency: You keep shooting for a long time.
Feedback. You take better shots over time.
Luck: You get a few favorable bounces.” James Clear